here are some youtube videos from newscast and interviews with various people and celebs speaking about the 9/11 conspiracy.
this first one is a news cast about charlie sheen.near the end of the interview....listen to rosie o'donnel take on the first time in history steal was melted by a fire.

in the next video has charlie sheen's father martin sheen and his view of 9/11.

in the following videos is from willie nelson's view.
next video former wrestler and govenor of min.jesse ventura ,alex jones and willie nelson discussing 9/11.
another video telling how this goverment is the true terrorist.
jesse ventura talking about 9/11 and other things on larry king
some other footage of the explosions
another thing that is funny is the planes that flew into the towers were not comercial airlines..when u inspect all the planes..they are plain painted no logos and they have no windows..a plane that should not at all even be in the was not a comerical flight..and another thing..there have not been any bodies or bones or anything from cilians found from the site..concluding these were un-manned planes ..(look up drones)in a ploy for the u.s.goverment to make a new public enemy.and it worked now arabs are all considered a terrorist..and since the vast majority of arabs follow islam..islam has been also put in the light of terrorism but they didnt think about how many muslims are not arab.arabs make up about 13%of muslims.while malayians make up over half..followed bye cousis(white people)from europe to america.then blacks make the next largest part of muslims..muslims are found on every continent and in every country..muslims speak every language.they are black they are white,they are yellow and they are red.all colors and all societies.they are rich and they are poor..islam is a world wide religons for all peopels of all creeds colors and nationalitys and races,terrorist are terrorist and muslims are muslims..they cant be one in the these are just a few videos from other sources that are non islamic that proves that 9/11 was not about muslim terrorist attacking the us. ...More
was thinking the other day how many Church's of different denominations were there..and it breaks down into 5 category's of thought.early-Christianity,   pre-Catholicism ,Catholicism,protestant and new-comers.and of course not all branches of Catholicism,follow the pope in Rome..for starters the first were not even called Christians but just the followers of Jesus the Christ,and they had no real organization.then came the eastern-orthodox,they are similar to catholics and they are the orthodox-catholics and they do not have ties with the pope of romanise catholics with the exception of a few.i will now list the churches of the eastern orthodox in 2 category's ones that tie to the pope and the independent ones .first the independent ones as follows
1.Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
2.Finnish Orthodox Church
3.Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church
4.Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch
5.Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem
6.Saint Catherine's Monastery, Mount Sinai
7.Russian Orthodox Church
8.Latvian Orthodox Church
Moldovan Orthodox Church
Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Japanese Orthodox Church
Chinese Orthodox Church
Serbian Orthodox Church
Macedonian Orthodox Church
Romanian Orthodox Church
Metropolis of Bessarabia
Bulgarian Orthodox Church
Georgian Orthodox Church
Church of Greece
Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania
Polish Orthodox Church
Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church in America
 and there is only one eastern orthodox church that is under the pope and that is:
1.Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria
now i know it sounds like these are just one church in the presumed country name but in fact it is not there are hundreds of churches under these patriarchs.all over the we will dive into Catholicism even in Catholicism the unorthodox.not all follow the we will list the ones that follow the pope first and then the ones that do not.
Greek Catholic Church
Hungarian Greek Catholic Church
Italo-Albanian Catholic Church
Macedonian Greek Catholic Church
Romanian Church
Russian Catholic Church
Ruthenian Catholic Church
Slovak Greek Catholic Church.
Syro-Malabar Catholic Church
Syro-Malankara Catholic Church
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
here are the list of unorthodox Catholics denominations that don't follow the pope.
Maronite Church
Melkite Greek Catholic Church
Syriac Catholic Church
Armenian Catholic Church
Belarusian Greek Catholic Church
Chaldean Catholic Church
Coptic Catholic Church
Eparchy of Križevci
Georgian Catholic Church
these are just the main Branch's of Catholicism
one other branch from Catholicism is Anglicans or the Anglican church
there 3 types
orthodox Anglican
the Anglican Lusitania Catholic Apostolic Evangelical Church
and the Anglican Episcopal Church and all three denominations of Anglicans have no ties with the pope ,roman,orthodox,or UN-orthodox catholics.and then u have many independents so many most considering themselves the old catholic church.then u have the normal-orthodox.confused yet so am i.but we must carry on.
they are as follows
the Byzantine orthodox church
Oriental orthodox church
Western-Rite orthodox church
Assyrian orthodox church
this concludes the recognized catholics side.
now onto the protestants.
pre lutherans churches are as follows

Moravian Church
Unity of the Brethren
now on to Lutheranism these are the churches that follows from martin Luther(no not martin Luther king.)
are are a hundred or more so denominations within Lutheranism
but they break to just three distinction's
so we will say there are only 4 of these denominations as a whole.
Evangelical Church churches of Lutheranism
the ortho-dox
the independent
the apostolic-Lutheran church
then Calvinism churches and these fall in to 3 formal denominations with thousands of churches of varying titles.
here are the names
first great awaking church
remonstrants church
Congregational Federation Church
now onto the next denomination branch"Presbyterianism"
the main branches are as follows Bible Presbyterian Church
Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches
Greek Evangelical Church
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Southern Presbyterian Church
the next one is called Congregationalist Churches
and it is the only branch
our next group is the Anabaptists
they have 2 main groups
Amish and Apostolic Christian Church
next group are the breather
they have 2 distinct branches
missionary church
Mennonite Church
next group are the methodist
they do not have any distinct branches
next are Pietists and Holiness Churches they also have no distinct branches except the church of god.
now for one of the largest branches that has so many sub-branches that IT could be considered a separate Christian movement like catholicism. the baptist churches
here are the branches
Alliance of Baptists
American Baptist Association
Association of Regular Baptist Churches
Baptist Bible Fellowship International
Black Primitive Baptists
Bible Baptist
Central Baptist Association
Continental Baptist Churches
Christian Unity Baptist Association
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Evangelical Free Baptist Church
Free Will Baptist
General Association of Baptists
General Association of General Baptists
General Association of Regular Baptist Churches
Separate Baptists
Independent Baptist
Sovereign Grace Baptists
Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists
United American Free Will Baptist Church
Reformed Baptist
Old Baptist Union
Old Time Missionary Baptist
Independent Baptist Fellowship International
and i could name dozens more......
but on to the next denomination
Apostolic Churches – Irvingites
they have to branches catholic and non catholic.
now on to the second largest Christian group  Pentecostalism
they have more than a 100 branches so i want even list them they are similar to the baptist.
the next are Charismatics churches no real separate benches then u have non-Charismatics they has well have no distinct branches.
the next group are the new comers.i will list only the denomination and not the branches
African Initiated Churches
United and uniting churches
Religious Society of Friends (Quakers
Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement
Millerites and comparable groups
Sabbath-Keeping Churches, Adventist
Sabbath-Keeping Churches, Non-Adventist
Sunday Adventists
Sacred Name Groups
Latter Day Saints
Prairie Saint" denominations
Rocky Mountains denominations
Nontrinitarian groups
Unitarianism and Universalism
Other non-Trinitarians
Messianic Judaism
New Thought
Esoteric Christianity
Syncretistic religions incorporating elements of Christianity
and many many others are out there these are just the most popular how do we decide ..hell if i know.

today we have a separation in the Islamic and Jewish community.this separation wasn't always so.what happen?from the world politics and anti-groups we know the problems and it's purely political.are Muslims and Jews at war with each other?no!only Zionist and islamist are at war. political parties that associate religion for a base.Muslims and Jews for the most have co-existed with each other in communities all over the world for centuries.we have watch each others children shared meals,walked and worked side by side and even build towns together.what happened?Zionist that want land or other things who knows,what else the want.they want they want all the land of Palestine and even have said they would love to see the Arab race destroyed.the Zionist even attack true Jews .a true Jew can't even speak out against them in fear of beatings or killing.and islamist are identical.if u are not down with the islamist party in the areas i will not mention.they will sure try and kill you.they say the Jews are the scum and they wish to destroy all one as to ask.are islamist the same as Muslim?most think they are .as with Zionist and Jews,are all Jews Zionist.and the answer for both questions are no!Jews are the true people of Israel as spoken of in the Hebrew bible and the Muslim Quran.Zionist is not there.they are not a religious group just a terror group with much propaganda and many agendas.
as the islamist,they are not the people of the quran that love God and wanna live in peace.islamist are purely of the evil shay-ton.full of the jin.they could care less for peace and only see that death and destruction comes to all that oppose their ideology.islamist and Zionist are at war .not Muslims and Jews.Islam and Judaism are not at war but Zionist and islamist no thats clear.may the world see that Jews and Muslims in their fundamental teachings are suppose be peace and loving humans.regardless of what the political parties do.religion and politics are not the same and they should not be fused together.
as the Muslim holy month of ramadan draws to a close.and many festivities will be going on in the coming days.the muslims also face a hard day so close in this years ramadan.because it fell so close to 9/11.with the anniversary of 9/11 coming..and the anti-islamic ,islamophobia.grows and tensions  will rise.but America has to realize that 9/11 was an attack on more than americans or more than  christians.there were many nationalities there has well as many religious traditions practiced by the thousands that were hurt or killed.that attack was also not only on americans but on all humanity.and even tho the hijackers had arab names and claim to adhere to the islamic faith.dosent mean you can blame islam as a whole.just as you cant blame all of Christianity for the spanish inquistion or all the witch hunts and burnings,where women that did not have the same views as the church they were thought to be witches and burned at the stake and many were boiled alive.we could go all throughout history and see it everywhere.but it does not mean you could blame an entire religion for it or a group of people for the actions of one.everyone was attacked that day.think of it many kids don't have parents after it.many spouses,brothers,sister,dads,moms,aunts, uncles,grandparents,cousins,best friends,and think how it would be if you were in their shoes.its painful feeling.with closing i ask any logical thinking person to really think about it the next time they wanna bash a religious or any other group based only on the actions of the few.peace to all humanity .through God only will it prevail.
are they really they are not .even tho popular opinion suggest that Muslims hate Jews and Jews hate muslims.islamist are not Muslim and Zionist are not jews.zionist (a Jewish faction)and islamist (a Muslim faction)are crazy and idiots they have a political agenda and religion on both sides have nothing to do with the conflict.and in the middle the true jews and Muslims are stuck in this trash heap of political party junk.mslim and jews have lived side by side for hundreds of Morocco ,Moorish spain,Yemen,omen,Syria,iran,(even Iran has an estimated 25,000 the islamic republic of iran.a muslim country and they are safe and are not killed are any of this.)there are jewish rabbis (Jewish preacher)that say that Israel should have never been a country .because the jews are suppose to be in exile by God.that zionist stole the books and the symbols of Judaism and have made jews look like Muslim and arab hating war mongers.this is not true at the same for muslims.the islamist have done so many political stunts that now most the world thinks muslims hate jews,christians and non Muslims,and that they want to kill anyone that is not the real Muslims have to be faced with what the retarded islamist have put into public opinion.the Quran(Muslim holy book)says it best .when it says.if you kill one innocent God it will be the same as if you killed all of mankind .
with the anniversary of 9/11,approaching soon.and the denial of a mosque (Muslim place of worship)fianlly being seems finally.we Muslims get the gratitude we deserve.not only Americans were killed on that day but, many people from all over were.
not only Christians were killed but Muslims also were killed.muslim also were helping save peoples lives .firefighters and paramedics were also muslim.9/11 was not done by Muslims but,it was done by idiots that claimed they were muslim.the quran states that "if you take the life of just one innocent person ,it will be as if you killed all of mankind with all mighty closing i am glad that the mayor
of new York said with clear words that any religious building should be built anywhere it needs to be if the people building it owns the land and are financing to build it.victory for Islam again!
thought of the day Muslim and Terrorist....?   they are not one in the same.
terrorists by definition from the dictionary says the following:
–noun 1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism. 2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others. 3. (formerly) a member of a political group in Russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror. 4. an agent or partisan of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror in France.

Muslim  by definition from the dictionary says the following:
noun adherent of Islam.

so are muslims and terrorist one in the same?no they are cant blame the whole of  group of people ,for the actions of the few.